Recovering from a divorce or serious breakup can be foundation shattering.
You'll learn so much about yourself and how to heal from this trauma.
Instead of getting bitter and blaming your ex, you'll actually heal,
which will make your next relationship so much more likely to be successful.
Please give this gift to yourself and check out this program.
- 2025 graduate

Rebuilding Seminars and Workshops in Boulder and Denver

Programs Clinically Proven to Help Rebuilders More Than They Ever Imagined

Feel Better. Move forward. Rebuilding Seminars has helped thousands begin a new, healthier chapter in life.

Our group process is both rapid and effective — we heal together in community. Lifelong friendships are made between members in every session. It is the antidote to the isolation that can often accompany a relationship’s end.

Also see Rebuilding Private Counseling to accelerate your Rebuilding process.

Rebuilding Evening Workshop (Denver) - Weds, Feb 26th, 7-8p

Join us for an evening where therapist and facilitator Kathy Kahn will introduce you to the Front Range’s original Rebuilding 10-Week program.

Rebuilding Evening Workshop (Niwot, CO) - Weds, Feb 19th, 6:30-8p

Weds, Jan 15th, 6:30-8p in Niwot, Join us for an evening where therapist and facilitator Bob Manthy will introduce you to the Front Range’s original Rebuilding 10-Week program.

Rebuilding Evening Workshop (Denver, CO) - Weds, Feb 26th, 7-8p

Join us for an evening where therapist and facilitator Kathy Kahn will introduce you to the Front Range’s original Rebuilding 10-Week program.

Rebuilding Seminar (Niwot, CO) - Sunday, March 9th, 5-8p

Sundays, Mar 9 – May 18 (no class Mar 23), 5-8p in Niwot. Ten classes plus social activities with facilitators and therapists Bob Manthy and Shea Karam. Has your relationship just ended? Experienced loss?…

Rebuilding Seminar (Denver, CO) - Wednesday, March 5th, 6-9p

Wednesdays, Feb 5 – May 21 (no class Apr 2 and May 7), 6-9p in Denver. Ten classes plus social activities with facilitator and therapist, Kathy Kahn. Has your relationship just ended? Experienced loss? Are you…

I wish I could tell you exactly what makes this class work so well. Honestly, the other graduates and I stand around talking about it and the one thing we land on every time is how grateful we are for showing up. Seriously, since my last relationship ended…it’s the single most helpful thing I’ve done to help me move forward and make my life better.

Rebuilding Seminars

195 Second Ave., Niwot, CO 80544

Phone: 720-600-2763

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© 2025 Rebuilding Seminars |195 Second Ave. Niwot, CO 80544 | [email protected] | 720-600-2763